We are excited to announce DLive, the popular blockchain-based live streaming platform, is joining the BitTorrent ecosystem. Our teams will be working together to bring blockchain-based peer-to-peer content sharing, including live streaming, to the BitTorrent community and beyond. DLive boasts a friendly community of content creators and viewers and a revolutionary rewards system. Broadcasters and…

We are pleased to announce the official release of BitTorrent Web for Mac, an online torrent client with a fresh interface that helps you quickly search, download and play torrent files inside your browser. Available at BitTorrent.com, the Mac torrent client is compatible with Safari and Chrome browsers and delivers to both new and experienced…

We are excited about our upcoming release of BitTorrent Web for Mac and have an important announcement about an automatic update coming in early September. BitTorrent Classic for Mac, the software you are currently running, is a 32-bit app. Apple is soon releasing a new Mac OS, Catalina (version 10.15), which is not compatible with…

The TRON Foundation unveils more information regarding the frozen tokens held by its team: As of February 2019, the team members of the TRON Foundation hold 20% of BitTorrent (BTT) total supply, corresponding to 198,000,000,000BTT, in which 192,500,000,000 are frozen and 5,500,000,000 are unfrozen. For safety reason, the frozen tokens will be stored in 296…

We are proud to announce that customers can pay for BitTorrent Pro and Ads Free with TRX, BNB, or BTC. With the help of CoinPayments.net, a leading integrated payment gateway provider for cryptocurrencies, BitTorrent introduces decentralized currencies into one of the world’s largest decentralized applications. Here’s a short tutorial on how to purchase: Step 1….