BitTorrent gives back during the Holiday Season. We have fun here at BitTorrent. In 2014, we did company-wide outings every other month, organized and led by our fearless office manager Erica Medeiros. It’s easy to say that they were fun: From an overnight whitewater rafting trip to a fabulous holiday party, our outings were focused…

On sustainable creativity, big (gig) stories, and passionate fandom. Herewith, a year inside BitTorrent Bundle. 2014 was bookended by two records, mirrored conversations about the value of digital art as human experience. One challenged the idea of how music should be created. One challenged the idea of how music should be distributed. Both were released…

When the hardworking men of BitTorrent aren’t crafting the latest updates to our products, they actually do some real good. It has been a longstanding tradition for the men at BitTorrent to take part in Movember, the annual month-long event that encourages growing and sporting a mustache for charity. Since 2010, the BitTorrent team has…

The BitTorrent Engineering team is constantly coming up with ways to make everyday online activities with a distributed infrastructure. One of the greatest challenges in this department has been the development of Bleep, our peer-to-peer chat client. How do you create all of the functions of a full-service chat client without relying on servers —…

From Atari Teenage Riot to Thom Yorke: 20 essential downloads from 2014. Thom Yorke: Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes Yorke’s first solo album in eight years is also the first paygated Bundle. Eight sparse, haunting tracks that demand deep listening. Bishop Nehru and MF DOOM: NehruvianDOOM The prodigiously talented / crazy young MC Bishop Nehru is possibly…