We believe in an open Internet. One where innovation belongs to all, and not some. One where creators and coders are given options. Not rules. Those are lofty statements and big ideals. But here’s a small step in that direction.
Today, we’re opening up BitTorrent Labs. It’s an Alpha site for our Alpha projects – all the stuff we’re working on that’s still in early concept phases. We’re inviting anyone (everyone) to experiment with these projects. And we’re inviting anyone (everyone) to build on them, and build their own. BitTorrent Labs is the new home for Torque, a JavaScript interface to torrent clients, designed for web developers.
So, come check out our Labs. We’ve got a few experiments up and running: from Surf, just released as an Alpha in the Chrome Store, to Sync, a brand-new file-syncing pre-Alpha. We’re looking for brave test users, for broadcasters, and builders. Come make stuff with us.